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4 Sold 194 People Watched
Company: Matra Asia pvt ltd
Category: Hybrid Seeds --> Fodder
Pack Size: 1kg
Delivery Charges in Pakistan: Free (No Charges)
Delivery Charges in Other Countries: *Charges will Apply
Actual Price: Rs. 2450.00
1st Purchase Discount: Rs. 15.00
Sale Price: Rs. 2435.00
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vortex rye grass 1kg matra asia australia ray grass rai grass
it is best adapted to mild-temperate climates. it is one of the highest quality forage grasses. the primary use of perennial ryegrass is for pasturing cattle and sheep cows. perennial ryegrass is more persistent than annual ryegrass but less persistent in the midwest than other cool season grass species. matra asia australia
the vortex rye grass 1kg matra asia australia ray grass rai grass is a product of matra asia pvt ltd. the category is hybrid seeds and subcategory is fodder
vortex rye grass 1kg matra asia australia ray grass rai grass
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