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20 Sold 194 People Watched
Company: Global Products
Category: Fertilizers --> Organic Fertilizers
Active Ingredient: Min Ten Million Waste Decomposing Bacteria per ML with Highest Decmposing Capacity
Pack Size: 1LITR
Delivery Charges in Pakistan: Free (No Charges)
Delivery Charges in Other Countries: *Charges will Apply
Sale Price: Rs. 1860.00
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Green gold Bacteria 1Liter Bio Fertilizer Waste Decomposer bacteria Agritech Crop Sciences
Active: Min Ten Million Waste Decomposing Bacteria per ML with Highest Decmposing Capacity
1Liter per Acre for flooding
The Green gold Bacteria 1Liter Bio Fertilizer Waste Decomposer bacteria Agritech Crop Sciences OWDC is a product of Global Products. The Category is Fertilizers and Subcategory is Organic Fertilizers
Green gold Bacteria 1Liter Bio Fertilizer Waste Decomposer bacteria Agritech Crop Sciences
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